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“The combination of superb photographs of places around the globe and highly informative text make Unforgotten a very enjoyable book for both the interested lay public and scholars alike.”
—Jerry Sabloff, Christopher H. Browne Distinguished Professor of Anthropology, Emeritus, University of Pennsylvania, and Past President of the Santa Fe Institute

“William Frej’s stunning black-and-white photographs take the viewer on a journey through some of the most monumental architectural remains of our ancient world, from the Mediterranean and Middle East to Asia and the Americas. The subjects of Unforgotten are presented with a serene, enigmatic composition that bring their silent elegance into focus. One can be seduced into feeling that they alone are standing in front of the awe-inspiring ruins of the world’s great civilizations. Each of these sites—124 in 25 countries—are a testament to the material and spiritual aspirations of our forebears, regardless of where or when they were built. This provocative collection, and the accompanying essays by Anne Frej and Michael E. Smith, invite contemplation of our shared history through the lens of urbanization and how we might imagine the physical and social spaces of the future.”
—Spencer Throckmorton, Throckmorton Fine Art, New York City

“This visually stunning book sweeps photographically across the wonder of antiquity in a way not found in other books. The sites range from mounds and pyramids to temples and cities. William Frej’s photographs are ravishing and invite a focus that leads viewers to question the how and the why of urbanization over deep time. The dramatic, high-contrast photographs also highlight the ravages of time. Entropy—the grinding action of jungle trees and roots, pounding monsoon rains, and desert winds—has eroded these sites that have been rocked by earthquakes and looted and burned over time. Unforgotten is aesthetically dazzling, and it is the drama and brilliance of William Frej’s photography which challenges the reader to contemplate the human experience, the diversity of cultures and their survival.”
—Vincent C. Pigott, Former Associate Director, Penn Museum









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