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Tibetan Memories: Stories from Exile and Dreams Deferred
by Eugene H. Johnson
Central America in the Crosshairs of War: On the Road from Vietnam to Iraq
by Scott Wallace
A Hard Walk through Solitude: Living among Alaska's Volcanoes
by Gary Freeburg
Billups Kushnir-Int Tarver
Ireland: One Island, No Borders
by Elizabeth Billups (reprint)
The Shenandoah Valley's Interstates: Plein-air Paintings along I-81,
I-66, and I-64

by Andrei Kushnir
The Long Ride Home: Black Cowboys in America
by Ron Tarver
Libson Rainey Marc
Children in Iceland
by Nancy Libson
Picturesque Palestine, Sinai and Egypt: Artworks and Letters of John Douglas Woodward, 1878–1879
by Sue Rainey
Street Cat Tales and Tangled Times:
An American Journey Continues

by Stephen Marc
Bubriski Heberlein Ulrich
The Uyghurs: Kashgar before the Catastrophe
by Kevin Bubriski
Park Place: Out West
by David Heberlein
Oceano: An Elegy for the Earth
by David Ulrich
Pritchard Scheinbaum

More than Scenery: Yellowstone, an American Love Story
by Janet L. Pritchard
Varanasi: City Immersed in Prayer
by David Scheinbaum
Inland: The Abandoned Canals of the Schuylkill Navigation
by Sandy Sorlien
Frej Matthews WhartonRS
Travels Across the Roof of the World: A Himalayan Memoir
by William and Anne Frej
Occupying Massachusetts: Layers of History on Indigenous Land
by Sandra Matthews
Roadside South
by David Wharton
Paris Kallusky Levin
Paris Park Photographs
(English/French bilingual edition)
by Michael Kolster
by Brett Kallusky
Violins and Hope: From the Holocaust to Symphony Hall
by Daniel Levin
Iceland Wilcox Elrick
Iceland Wintertide
(English/Icelandic bilingual edition)
by David Freese
Visual/Language: The Ledger Drawings of Dwayne Wilcox
by Dwayne Wilcox with Karen Miller Nearburg
A Country No More: Rediscovering the Landscapes of John James Audubon
by Krista Elrick
Borowiec Jordan Marc
The New Heartland: Looking for the American Dream
by Andrew Borowiec
Nowhere in Place
by Christopher Jordan
American/True Colors
by Stephen Marc



Aldo Leopold's Shack: Nina's Story (A New Edition)
by Nancy Nye Hunt
Landscapes of Hope:
Finding Common Ground in Utah's Greater San Rafael Swell

by Stephen Strom
Ancient Cities from a Distant Past

by William Frej
Pruett Kolster Fitch
Hiking the AT in the Virginias: A Septuagenarian's Journey
by Dave Pruett
The Plastiglomerates of Hawai'i: Mongrels of Our Making
by Michael Kolster
Screen Towers: The Drive-In Theater in America
by Steve Fitch
Soft Time in a Hard Place: My Kind of Prison Life
by Denis Wood

Many of the following titles are now in short supply, reflected in their increasing value, so buy them while they last!

Young Earth


Frees Miss
Our Time on Earth
by Tom Young
Requiem for the Innocent: El Paso and Beyond
Photographs by John Willis, text by Robin Behn, and music by Matan Rubinstein
Mississippi River: Headwaters and Heartland to Delta and Gulf
by David Freese
Lyon Huddleston MetcalfGalagan
1930: Manhattan to Managua,
North America's First Transnational Automobile Trip

by Arthur Lyon
At Home in the Northern Forest: Photographs of the Changing Vermont Landscape
by John Huddleston
Fire Ghosts
by Philip Metcalf and Patricia Galagan
Willis-MniWiconi Murdy Willis-Views
Mni Wiconi / Water Is Life: Honoring the Water Protectors at Standing Rock and Everywhere in the Ongoing Struggle for Indigenous Sovereignty
by John Willis
On the Path of Marigolds: Living Traditions of Mexico's Day of the Dead
(English/Spanish bilingual edition)
by Ann Murdy
Views from the Reservation: A New Edition
by John Willis
Kolster LA River Hester-Neslon Black
L.A. River
by Michael Kolster
Inhabiting the Sacred in Everyday Life: How to Design a Place that Touches Your Heart, Stirs You to Consecrate and Cultivate It as Home, Dwell Intentionally within It, Slay Monsters for It, and Let It Loose in Your Democracy
by Randolph T. Hester, Jr. and
Amber D. Nelson
Gettysburg Contested: 150 Years of Preserving America's Cherished Landscape
by Brian Black
Buchanan Forsman Break Boundary
Florida's Changing Waters: A Beautiful World in Peril
by Lynne Buchanan
Lost in Vietnam
by Chuck Forsman
Break Boundary: Places Real and Imagined
by Jenee Mateer
Blatty Blatty Fitch
Fish Town: Down the Road to Louisiana's Vanishing Fishing Communities
by J.T. Blatty
Listening In: Echoes and Artifacts from Maryland's Mother County
by Merideth M. Taylor
Vanishing Vernacular: Western Landmarks
by Steve Fitch
Barbee Strom-BearsEars Ehrenpreis
Sin Sombras / Without Shadows: A Search for the Meaning of Life, if There Is One, in the California Desert in Photographs and Stories
by James Barbee
Bears Ears: Views from a Sacred Land
by Stephen E. Strom
Picturing Harrisonburg: Visions of a Shenandoah Valley City since 1828
by David Ehrenpreis
Harris Dilsaver-Tweed Dilsaver
Dream of a House: The Passions and Preoccupations of Reynolds Price
Edited by Alex Harris and Margaret Sartor
Challenge of the Big Trees:
The History of Sequoia and Kings
Canyon National Parks,
A Revised Edition

by William C. Tweed and Lary M. Dilsaver
Preserving the Desert: A History of Joshua Tree National Park
by Lary M. Dilsaver
Strom Kolster Freese-EastCoast
Tidal Rhythms: Change and
Resilience at the Edge of the Sea

by Stephen Strom
Take Me to the River:
Photographs of Atlantic Rivers

by Michael Kolster
East Coast: Arctic to Tropic
by David Freese
Ganis WhartonPB Young-Backscatter
America's Endangered Coasts: Photographs from Texas to Maine
by John Ganis
The Power of Belief: Spiritual
Landscapes from the Rural South

by David Wharton
Backscatter: Between Here and There
by Tom Young


Kushnir Strawn Strom
Oh, Shenandoah: Paintings of the Historic Valley and River
by Andrei Kushnir
Across the Threshold of India:
Art, Women, and Culture

by Martha A. Strawn
Death Valley: Painted Light
by Stephen E. Strom
Raimondi Diettes Mendelsohn
John Raimondi: Drawing to Sculpture
by Henry Adams


Memento Mori: Testament to Life
(English/Spanish bilingual edition)
by Erika Diettes
Drawn to Landscape:
The Pioneering Work of J. B. Jackson

by Janet Mendelsohn and Chris Wilson
TuanLastLaunch Kelley Parsons
The Last Launch:
Messages in the Bottle

by Yi-Fu Tuan

A Field Guide to Other People's Trees
by Margot Anne Kelley
by Jack Parsons
Choukas-Bradley Billups Krim
A Year in Rock Creek Park: The Wild, Wooded Heart of Washington, DC
by Melanie Choukas-Bradley
Ireland: One Island, No Borders
by Elizabeth Billups
Route 66: Iconography of the American Highway
by Arthur Krim
Lowdermilk Beckham Forsman
Honoring the Doughboys:
Following My Grandfather's
World War I Diary

by Jeffrey A. Lowdermilk
Firmament: A Meditation on Place
in Three Parts

by Andrew Beckham
Walking Magpie: On and Off the

by Chuck Forsman
Fletcher Sutton Singer
Infinite Measure: Learning to Design in Geometric Harmony with Art, Architecture, and Nature
by Rachel Fletcher
At Home in the West:
The Lure of Public Land

by William S. Sutton
Main Street: Towns, Villages, and
Hamlets of the Great Plains

by Danny Singer
BrownL Young Anderson
Las Vegas Periphery:
Views from the Edge

by Laurie Brown
Timeline: Learning to See
with My Eyes Closed

by Tom Young
On Wall Street: Architectural
Photographs of Lower Manhattan,

by David Anderson
Wharton Freese Kostiner
Small Town South
by David Wharton

West Coast: Bering to Baja
by David Freese
Choosing Fatherhood:
America's Second Chance

by Lewis Kostiner
Freeburg Myers Tuan
The Valley of 10,000 Smokes:
Revisiting the Alaskan Sublime

by Gary Freeburg

The Jungle at the Door:
A Glimpse of Wild India

by Joan Myers
Humanist Geography
An Individual's Search for Meaning

by Yi-Fu Tuan
Life and Death on the Prairie
Photographs and text by Stephen Longmire
Carrara Jost
by William Wylie
Shenandoah Valley Apples
by Scott Jost
Recycled Realities
by John Willis and Tom Young
StrawnAlligators Parsons  
Alligators, Prehistoric Presence in the American South
by Martha A. Strawn
Dark Beauty:
Photographs of New Mexico

by Jack Parsons

Dare to Dream:
How James Madison University Became Coed and Shocked the Basketball World

by Lou Campanelli with Dave Newhouse
Published in association with the James Madison University Dukes Club

Finding Justice: A History of Women Lawyers in Maryland since 1642

Lynne A. Battaglia, editor, with essays by Phoebe A Haddon, Andrea M. Leahy, Hon. Diane O. Leasure, Michelle R. Mitchell, Jane C. Murphy, and Hon. Julie Rubi
Published in association with the Maryland Woman's Bar Foundation and University of Baltimore Foundation


Why We Are Here:
Mobile and the Spirit of a Southern City

by E. O. Wilson and Alex Harris
Published in Fall 2012 from Liveright, a division of W. W. Norton & Company, in association with GFT Publishing and Skolkin + Chickey Studio

What We Do Here Is Magic:
The Art of Business and the
Business of Art

by Anna Wolak
Published in Spring 2012 as a limited edition from GFT Publishing, in association with the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and the Palmer House Hilton in Chicago
 Pieces of String
 by Justin Kimball
 Published in Fall 2012 from Radius Books,
 in association with GFT Publishing

 (more information coming soon)

Nature and Cities: The Ecological Imperative in Urban Design and Planning
by Frederick R. Steiner, George F. Thompson, Armando Carbonell
 (more information coming soon)

Robin Behn, Once Upon a Time in the Twenty-First Century: Unexpected Exercises in Creative Writing, in association with the University of Alabama Press

Steve Burch, editor, The Healing Power of Theater: Inside the Tornado, with a foreword by Michael Carr and an afterword by Steven Jacobs, in association with the University of Alabama Press


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