The Shenandoah Valley's Interstates:
Plein-air Paintings along I-81, I-66, and I-64
by Andrei Kushnir
with an introduction by Warren R. Hofstra
An amazing look at the famous Shenandoah Valley and the first-ever rendering of U.S. interstates anywhere by any painter!
Most people travel through the beautiful and historic Shenandoah Valley lickety-split by way of its interstates: I-81 but also I-66 and I-64. In looking out the window, drivers can see why the Valley is world-renowned for its scenery and diverse landscapes. Andrei Kushnir since 2001 has been rendering the Shenandoah Valley through his revered plein-air paintings—that is, paintings made out of doors and on site. In 2016, his acclaimed book, Oh, Shenandoah: Paintings of the Historic Valley and River, was published, featuring 264 original paintings by the artist as well as informative essays about the Valley's history and culture.
As a complement to that now-classic book, Kushnir has done what no artist at any time anywhere has ever done: paint the landscapes of and along any interstates, much less the three in the Shenandoah Valley. Here, he has created a remarkable new book, featuring 86 of his paintings, revealing why I-81 in the Shenandoah Valley has for decades been proclaimed as one of America's most scenic interstates. The book is introduced by noted historian Warren Hofstra, who deftly explains how the Shenandoah Valley became famous and why I-81 is but the newest version of the historic "Valley Road": from its origin as an Indian path to the Valley Pike during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and then U.S. 11 in the twentieth. Andrei Kushnir's book will be cherished by Valley residents and passersby alike. It will also serve as a clarion call to other plein-air painters to render their regional interstates with their creative work.
$34.95 U.S. (trade discount) No e-book has been authorized.
Softcover with gatefold flaps
116 pages with 86 plein-air paintings by the author,
1 book cover, and 4 maps = 91
10.5" x 8.5"
ISBN 978–1–960521–00–2
Published in July 2024
Distributed by the The University of Virginia Press www.upress.virginia.edu
No e-book has been authorized.
Published in association with the Center for the Study of Place.
About the Authors
Saturday, June 1, 2024 from 5-7 PM
The Shenandoah Valley's Interstates exhibition opening
American Painting Fine Art, Washington, DC
(click on map to enlarge)
© 2024 Center for the Study of Place