This photo of the author was taken at Kunming Lake, at the Summer
Palace in Beijing, on May 30, 2005. Professor Tuan returned to China,
after an absence of sixty-four years, to attend and present a lecture
at an international conference on architecture. His experience in China
resulted in his book, Coming Home to China (University of Minnesota Press, 2007).
(Photograph: A-Xing Zhu)
Yi-Fu Tuan was born in Tianjin, China, in 1930, attended grade schools in China, Australia, and the Philippines before earning undergraduate and graduate degrees in geography, respectively, at Oxford University and the University of California at Berkeley. For many years he taught geography at the University of Minnesota, and from 1984 until his "official" retirement in 1998 he held two endowed chairs at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, serving as the John K. Wright Professor of Geography and the Vilas Research Professor of Geography. Professor Tuan is a Fellow of both the British Academy and American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and he was a founding board member of the Center for American Places from 1990-1996. He is the author of more than twenty seminal book publications, including The Hydrologic Cycle and the Wisdom of God: A Theme in Geoteleogy (Toronto, 1968), Topophilia: A Study of Environmental Perception, Attitudes, and Values (Prentice-Hall, 1974), Segmented Worlds and Self: Group Life and Individual Consciousness (Minnesota, 1982), Dominance and Affection: The Making of Pets (Yale, 1984), Morality and Imagination: Paradoxes of Progress (Wisconsin, 1989), Escapism (Johns Hopkins, in association with the Center for American Places, 1998), Place, Art, and Self (Center for American Places, 2004), Human Goodness (Wisconsin, 2008), and, with photographer Martha A. Strawn, Religion: From Place to Placelessness (Center for American Places, 2009). Professor Tuan passed away in Madison, Wisconsin, in 2022. His website is: www.yifutuan.org.