Kitchen sink, Laurel Park, Northampton, Massachusetts. © Photograph by Sandra Matthews.
The feeling of connection to a particular place is often a matter of nostalgia, longing, or fantasy. As more and more people worldwide are forced to migrate, "connection in absentia" will be increasingly the norm.
As a child, I moved from place to place frequently as my parents, who were recent immigrants to the U.S., found their way on a new continent. As a family, we cultivated the ability to create a feeling of "home" wherever we found ourselves.
As an adult, I have chosen to live in one house in one neighborhood in one town for almost four decades. But my house contains objects, images, and printed matter that connect me to many other people and places. I feel very fortunate to be able to surround myself, in one space, with fragments from these many worlds.
Copyright © 2021 Sandra Matthews. All rights reserved.